Stylist Forum

Gemstones That Are Truly Out of This World!
It’s hard to stay grounded when you stop and think about the situation we're faced with in this life. We're on a giant ball spinning in space at 1600 kilometres per hour, a few planets away is a g...

Vermeil vs. Gold-Plating
Our designer, Bunny first launched his Made Gold Collection over 15 years ago, comprising of a selection of his unique natural gemstone jewelry in decadent 14k vermeil gold. But what exactly is ve...

The Signigicance of Dream Catchers
This Dream catcher design is widely recognized for its distinct appearance. Originally created by the Ojibwe people of North America, this design holds a deep and spiritual meaning.
So, what is the...

Why Does Silver Tarnish?
We all love browsing and buying the sparkling silver jewelry pieces we find in shops, but when we bring them home, they start to lose that shine we adored! Unfortunately, silver has a tendency to ...

Gemstones in a Living Space
While our main focus at Made In Earth is producing handmade, natural, gemstone jewellery; we are always taken aback by how our gemstone specimens can beautifully lift and enhance a living space. W...

How Our Designer Bunny Bedi Became a Jeweler
Bunny moved to Australia in 1994 and was attending culinary school. He studied to be a chef and worked for his family, opening five restaurants for them within a year. However he was accustomed to...

Is Crystal Healing real? Here's what you need to know!
According to Quantum Physics, everything has a vibration. Science proves that matter is 99.9999% empty space and energy makes up this space. Energy is everything and everything is energy. Every obj...

How to Clean and Charge Your Crystals
DISCLAIMER: We do not recommend that you clean our natural gemstone jewelry pieces with water or any commercial bought products), since stones are meant to exist as they are in your journey.
To cl...

Gemstone Guide: Find Your Gemstone
Gemstone Guide: Find Your Gemstone
The word “crystal” comes from the Greek word krystallos, meaning “coldness drawn together”. Its meaning is ambiguous similar to its physical properties. Gemstone ...